Discover more with the CSTT


Attract through schools outreach MEMF

My Environment My Future (MEMF) is an industrial-scale schools outreach programme aimed at GCSE Geography students. Lesson plans are provided free of charge to schools, and local employers are engaged to enrich the delivery of the existing “Urban Environments” module of the GCSE.

With over 200,000 students studying GCSE Geography annually in the UK, the aim is to make MEMF a default part of the school curriculum with 50% of schools using the materials. This will give half of the students (as well as half of the teachers) a far better insight into the importance of, and career opportunities within, surveying and the wider Built Environment. The target for the academic year 2020/21 is 100 schools (5,000 students), rising to 500 schools (25,000 students) by 2022/23.

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Link interested people to the right educational pathways

Having engaged the interest of schools and young people, the next stage is to provide a range of options for further information, further study and for joining an apprenticeship programme.


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Support those in need into training and work

The final step is to support candidates into employment, which the CSTT will deliver together with partner organisations, social enterprises and recruitment companies, starting with pilots in East London and South Yorkshire.