
MEMF School Competition is open!

We are excited to announce that the 2022 My Environment My Future School Competition is officially open!

The Competition Brief is now live on the CSTT website and contains all the information you and your students need to enter the competition such as dates and deadlines, submission details and the judging criteria. We are thrilled that this competition is running for a second year in a row, and we can’t wait to see your submissions.


The My Environment My Future (MEMF) Schools Competition invites all young people across the UK to think innovatively and practically about how they can improve their local urban area, by designing and creating a proposal for the renovation of a local building or space. This opportunity enables students to make direct connections between the skills and knowledge they have acquired within the classroom from the geography curriculum and directly apply it to a real-life scenario to gain valuable and transferable skills that will prepare them for their future careers.

This competition requires students to plan, design and present an innovative and sustainable redevelopment or renovation of a local building or space within their urban area. They can create a short video, a poster or presentation pack to showcase their solution. The competition is free to enter, and entries will be divided in to three age categories: 11-14, 15-16 and 17- 18 and students can enter as individuals or as part of a group.
With exciting prizes to be won, such as £50 vouchers for each student in the winning entry, a £200 voucher for the winning school and the opportunity to take part in local site visits and career talks, why not enter the MEMF School Competition to help bring careers into the classroom.

If you or your school have any questions regarding the school competition, please do not hesitate to get in touch via email to or if you would like to arrange an online meeting or call to discuss any details or answer any questions, please contact Molly Dunn via

We hope you enjoy the competition and wish you all the best of luck!



20/01/2022 10:32:37
